written and rendered by iam bennu
If you're new, welcome aboard.  I can confidently say that you're in for a treat.  You have never read about super heroes like these.  How do I know that, because they aren't super heroes. They are gods. 

Welcome to the madness.

Sol, is, in essence, all life from the sun, the soul of the universe. It sets up and follows the life of a sun and its manifestation starting with the character Nero in the 20th century as he experiences the transition of man from what he has become to what he needs to be.

It is a powerful reflection and reenactment. select what we are currently going through as a world, as a paradigm, as a society. It deals with social structure, economics, sexuality, power in all forms, how we get it and how we lose it. The journey is broad and deep with lots of twists and turns, and really great characters that you will remember and want to see more of. At least that is my hope.

Nero is the main character that I follow at least in this birth or beginning because he is the culmination of the overthinking man, so we're following him through the eye of the needle into a new world and him becoming the man that has learned just to be.  

The world is ours.

The story starts in New Orleans as probably all stories should. It starts on the streets with a crazy group of friends centered at one particular coffeehouse because it is so eclectic and draws upon the most diverse segments of society possible, so yeah, ummm. all the good stories should start at Floras Coffee Shop.

.The characters here are trying to live their lives at the end of empire at the changing of the paradigms and feeling small under the immense powers that are being wielded and displayed by the gods above them, heroic, societal, and political. They watched as their world is being changed and crushed but the battles of giants and that the things that they value or nothing but collateral damage in this power struggle between Titans. You watch me roll stumble through and somehow find a way to beat the odds and get free while his friends they're going to mission that will change the future and changed his life forever.

The world is ours.

This story of a universe,

the life death and manifestation of a son, sun, sol, Is one cohesive mapping of existence, an eon spreading story arc that acts as a skeleton for current events and perspectives. It is quite the endeavor but one that I feel is necessary to help us navigate everything that we're facing today at this moment. I also strive to get a lot of fun in because it's so important that we need to laugh and feel good (before the end). We need to remember to bring forward all the things that makes us love it makes us human.

The first story...

starts like a rollercoaster and ramps up with the bang starting with the fall of man, Nero, quite literally the fall onto the ground. Many of the cast and characters in this story are real people. It made sense to me to write in characters that I love and have known. I think it adds to the richness and the depths of the stories and makes it fun for me. The superheroes that interacts with are ones that I have created years ago and have been updated for the series which is also fun for me. It is good to see it all interact with such grace and form and power. I'm ready to take this ride as it is as much fun for me as it is for you. Let's fly.

Iam bennu

The world is ours.


is a grand fusion of decades of imagination and work all culminating in one amazing universe framed by power we have never experienced before. Iam bennu smoothly moves from comic to graphic novel, to movie storyboards to frame this mythos. He called then Spi-Fi (spirit fiction:The extrapolagion of the spiritual.) and each story line is a Mythos


The books of Sol

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This is a radical concept. I look forward to seeing it play out. Great characters and storyline.