The News in Black Mythos
The News and flow of black heroes, sci-fi, and spi-fi.


Life imitating Art

It is amazing to me when elements of the story that I wrote or a picture that I paint manifest. The picture above is by Andrea, who is the inspiration for the character Andrea/Angel. In the book Sol, I imagined her announcing a charity event on the corner featuring the guest 'Stormy Daniels' See the page here. And here she is right on the corner where I drew her. Synchronicities, indeed.

Stormy Daniels and Andrea in front of Big Daddies

Winter Solstice in New Phoenix

December 21–23

The longest night arrives signaling the rebirth of the sun trumpeted by the pronouncement by the Bennu Bird rising.
Represented by the burning of the pyre on the 25th of December.
The bennu and its flowing tail is our decoration and representation for the season, and we send up our wishes for the season coming with gifts, ideas and bulbs that represent the coming growing season and hope. 

'Peace to all and everything on this eve of the longest day of the year we await the rebirth of the sun that is our source of life, and as this hemisphere tilts back toward its warm and life-giving embrace, let us all embrace love.'

 “You must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame; how could you rise anew if you have not first become ashes?” — Friedrich Nietzsche

In the Bennu Territories in the city of New Phoenix in the longest of nights a celebration of the moment of the dark right before the new light begins. We dance and light the logs that will burn the year to ash, all things giving way in their all-consuming flame, and thus we give way to the birth of a new sun. To new life.

the bennurise

Holidays with the Sunhawks

It Begins Here. 

After quite a bit of work it is done! The site is ready to hold universes and display them for you. It has taken about 6 months of intense coding, but it is humming like a fine-tuned cyborg. 

We have brought together two artist/ writers:  Raphael Black and iam bennu

Both worlds are universes to themselves. They, at their core, represent distinct ideas and paradigms that set them apart from any other. They share similar themes at times as a love of our emerging mythos is. It is like our collective consciousness is trying to find a way to explain what we are experiencing and give it some reference place from soul of color. It dives into the sharded grief and emerging hope was all experiencing. 

So, get in there and get into something!  I can't wait for you to find something to love and see what you make of it. If you join the site with just an email, you will be able to leave comings and much more come up so check in often. I hope this is the beginning of a great readership and friendship. Black Mythos Tribe for life!!

First things first..... AI art and graphics.

This is a hot one right now as artificial intelligence has taken over the visual art market and I can see why. As a surrealist artist myself I have been able to do as well as I have because of my ability to paint and bring a sense of reality to images and ideas. AI trumps me completely. It is funny to me that I am not the least bit afraid of the flow of it, but then,.. I am not an artist in the early part of his life trying to make a living on his art. 

I see it as miraculous that it is come to this, but it was expected. Anyone keeping up with the industry and understanding the term 'the singularity' would be ready for it. It is like a gin being let out of a bottle. It is not going back in. I love the work. I love both the reality of it and the dream like 'subconscious' quality of it. Stunning. It is like looking directly into someone's dream, however beautiful or sick and demented that may be. It creates without bias or prejudice. It's images of people of color are miraculous, and I think it allows us to think outside of Western paradigms and really get the beauty of that. We will just have to see how it goes. I am looking forward to the journey. If I can get access to one to do the background work on panels, I would love it. My own work is created in the same process, but in it, I am the intelligence. I have the skill, honed from years of doing graphic and poster work to weave my surrealistic art style into images seamlessly and to turn all sources into my personal art style. I have been perfecting it for years and it is what you see on the pages of  infiniteGRIOTrising 

A lot of my focus has been concentrating on storytelling and getting the universe out there for people to share. I think a lot of us are like that now and having something that helps speed up the process of getting the story out or helping those that cannot draw at all to get their story out without needing lots of resources is amazing. We need all the good Mythos we can get. 

In summary:  Learn right now to draw hands and feet better than anyone, so you can be of service to your AI graphic art masters. lol. 


COMMENTS for post -2

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I agree. I think that the AI will be an amazing new experience for all artists and the industry in itself. It is also happening in several other industries like the architectural industry the music industry. They're all going through the same process of dealing with AI and its creativity. It has the ability to put together complicated algorithms and imagine things that we have not begun to imagine because it has its own rhythms that are separate from our experiences yet totally imbued by them.

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